[FRAK-shuhs] adjective
1. Tending to cause trouble. Unruly.
So, I'm currently knee-deep in MFA in Creative Writing apps and am truly and utterly done with the whole thing. And not done as in "yay! I've finished them all, I'm done!" but done as in I "F@#$! you grad apps, I hate you. I'm done!" sort of way. But I'm 8 for 15, so I am past that half way point. So that's gotta count for something. Right????
I just feel very much like this when I'm working on apps:
I drew that! You know, instead of working on my applications (in my defense I am turning them in WAY before the deadlines), I've been playing around on my sister's new tablet. Yus, that's right, she got a fancy-schmancy tablet as an (early) Christmas present. And it's so cool. But that picture above is me when I'm in application-land. Only more melodramatic and manic. I wanted my word for this post to be manic or something similar to it, but manic seemed too easy and I couldn't find a proper synonym for it. Fractious works though too.
In this whole process, I just wish there was some sort of common app or something. I've got 3 writing samples of different lengths, about 8 drastically different statement of purposes, 2 teaching statements, 2 expository papers (10 and 15 pages), an autobiographical sketch, a personal history statement, 3 diversity statements, 4 different GPA calculations and so many other things. That's not to mention that schools require different numbers of transcripts, copies of letters of recs, additional forms, mailed applications, etc. etc.
On the upside? I've met some really amazing writers through online writing/MFA communities and they've really helped with this whole process. I got so many insightful edits from complete strangers (as well as some good 'ole friends) and have seen examples of successful writing samples, SOPs, etc. And HOPEFULLY the upside is also I get into a program and get some nice funds too, so at least I know what the next 3-ish years of my life is looking like.
And whenever I turn in an application I feel like this:
It's me! This sketch is taken from a photo of me during the HP7 Part 1 midnight premiere.
Manic, enthused, way too excited. 8/15--I'll be done soon!