Ramblings of this and that by Michelle L. Donahue

Friday, February 24, 2012

Is This Real Life?

Ancient Greek: εὐδαιμονία

Commonly translated as happiness or welfare. Most accurate translation: "human flourishing".

So life after college is hard. You're kinda an adult and kinda not and you're trying to figure out your life and while that's exciting it's also pretty intimidating. Though I drove off the life-after-college-doldrums by living in Turkey then traveling to 8 countries, I was starting to feel the stress a little. It's exciting but hard when you have no idea where you will be or what you will be doing a year from now.

These past few weeks have been especially taxing. Grad school apps began rolling in and after hearing rejections from 5/15 schools I was starting to stress. Rejection is never easy, but when it comes to writing I've learned to anticipate it, and that's fine because it's part of the territory. But MFA Writing rejections seemed like a different beast, because my life for the next few years was at stake. And in this super uncertain time in my life getting 15 rejections would not only be embarrassing, but would also leave me with what seemed like the monumental job of finding a plan B and bringing my life down a new (albeit temporary) path. So those 5 rejections were tough.

So of course I started doubting myself. It's so easy to get into that dark space in your head and just get stuck in all of that doubt. The more I read my writing sample the more I wondered if I really was ready for a MFA. I've read other applicant's writing and it's really impressive. And I wondered if I would have more success and thus, maybe be happier, if I pursued a career/higher education in Bio. I was trying to resign myself to the fact that it was very possible that I would receive 15 rejections, because the funded programs are very selective and subjective.

But, yesterday I received a call from my top choice school, Iowa State. I tried not to pick a #1 choice through this process because it is so selective and it seemed like I would be setting myself up for heartbreak, but Iowa State was always my favorite. In their program you get a MFA in Creative Writing and Environment, which is perfect for me. And it literally has everything I want: it's 3 years, fully funded (14th best funding scheme in the nation for MFAs), super flexible, has a literary magazine, requires you to do fieldwork AND take environmental classes, etc. etc. Not only am I accepted, but I got a fellowship that's only offered to one person each year. So I get full tuition remission (a pretty penny) and a living stipend and I don't have to teach. So I'll be able to just focus on my studies and writing for the first year.

This is a dream come true. Like honest to god the BEST case scenario for me. They are flying me out in March to visit, but I'm pretty positive this is where I want to go, even if I do get accepted elsewhere. I just feel so honored that I was picked at my first choice and I will have this awesome opportunity.

Ok, this post is already too long, but suffice it to say, I am on the moon. I still can't wrap my mind around it because I am SO happy, and that feels really good. I guess I'm destined to continue kicking ass in the Midwest.

Thank you universe, you've really been too kind.