noun, plural -er·ies.
foolish or silly behavior
So tomfoolery is absolutely one of my favorite words. It's one of those great words that sounds exactly like what it means and just has a great, silly zing to it. Plus it's perfect for today, April Fool's Day, (still 32 minutes left of it!).
I thought of doing a really lame joke type post, but couldn't come up with something silly yet still (a little) believable. So instead this is like a part 1.5 of Kaitlin and my Epic Road Trip Adventure! This is some of the very strange (sad? terrifying? disturbing?) billboards we drove past, mostly in Missouri (or was it Mississippi?). I wasn't quite quick enough with my camera to catch them all.
And I know what you're thinking, "what do weird billboards have to do with jokes and April Fools?" Well, I find some of these signs to be a lot more enjoyable if you just imagine they were written/made on April Fool's and it's all just one big joke.
And here they are....
Just joking! We love religious tolerance!
And we love porn!
Yay! Christ for me!
But does anyone love cancer? But still, I'm all for hating cancer.
Yay life! Oh wait....
(On a side note this is particularly chilling because of the header text: "your vote is their voice" because your vote for "life" (sans choice) is also silencing you know, women. I just think the rhetoric for Pro-Lifers a lot of the time is really eerie.)
And there you have it. Possibly the most depressing April Fool's Day post ever.
Let's just end on a happier note shall we?
OMG this is the cutest thing I have ever seen ever.