Ramblings of this and that by Michelle L. Donahue

Thursday, June 2, 2011


Hello all and welcome to Dithyrambic!

Dithyrambic is going to be a part travel, part personal, part anything else I feel like blog. With a theme! Because I like themes, and I tend to be a tad too capricious at times, so I thought a theme might give me a solid base of sorts. So each post will be word inspired, beginning with a fun, funky, weird and wonky word that I feel describes the essence of the post. Ok, not much of a theme, but I like words and hey, it never hurts to expand ones vocabulary. Right?

So this post's word is, naturally, the title of this blog...


1. wildly irregular in form
2. very enthusiastic

(All definitions taken from www.dictionary.com. I reserve the right to throw the boring definitions of words out and post only the relevant definitions. For instances, the first definition for dithyrambic? "of, pertaining to, or of the nature of a dithyramb". Wow very helpful dictionary.com. Thanks.)

And onto the (more) interesting bits...

I created Dithyrambic for a mutltitude of reasons (ha, lies, mainly just two!). Partly because I'm a recent college grad and figured I should probably use my fancy degree in writing somehow. But mainly because I'm going to be working/living in Turkey this summer. I'll be living with a Turkish family and AuPair-ing. This basically means that I'm going to be a glorified babysitter, but it also means I'll be teaching their two kids English (resume translation: International English Educator, swanky huh?). The family has two kids, Dilara who is 11 and Barkan who is 9. More about them when I actually meet them.

I'll be in Europe until mid October, so until then this will mainly be "Michelle's OMG!Traveling-is-SO-Awesome Blog" and then after that it will be a "Michelle's not-so-exciting-life" blog. At some point this might also be a "WTF?-Michelle-is-applying-to-MFA programs-in-CW-and-is-SO-stressed-out" blog or a "let's-talk-about-science" blog or a blog where I'll post some odds and ends of my writing. Because it's dithyrambic (ha? get it?)

But mainly I just want this to be a blog of cool and pretty things, so we'll see how that goes. I'll be posting a lot of pictures, promise.

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